Mindfulness Resources
The practice of mindfulness -- deliberately paying attention to present moment experience with a kind willingness to be with what is -- is a way to come home to yourself. It has been practiced for centuries and is currently receiving increasing scientific support as a means to build stress resilience, boost the immune system and promote a general sense of health and well-being*. Below you will find resources to support you in your mindfulness practice.
*Please note that for some psychological conditions, it is advisable to learn mindfulness with a trained mindfulness-based therapist present.

Guided Mindfulness Meditation:

Bay Area Community Support
East Bay
- East Bay Mediation Center*
- Insight Meditation Community (Berkeley)
San Francisco
- SF Buddhist Meditation Ctr*
- San Francisco Insight
*These locations offer affinity based (BIPOC/people of color, LGBTQ, disability, etc.) sitting groups/retreats.